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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Warlords of Draenor

    Well, I'm slightly ashamed to say I got back into this game. A few friends that I use to play with also decided to start playing again. New expansion coming out as you probably already guessed is call Warlords of Draenor.

    Best thing about it, if you pre order this expansion (Which comes out November 13th) you get a free character to boss to level 90 as well as the core game and all the previous expansions. Pretty good deal, so your character will be ready for the expansion when it comes out. Great for veterans, which is what they're trying to bring back with this expansion. they changed the health back to WotLK style as well as the combat. So no more 1 million health anymore.

    Also, Warlords of Draenor takes places in the outlands, except its before they drank the demon blood that made all the orcs go mad. IMO Burning Crusades was WoW's best expansion, so I'm excited to see more lore based around it. Good time to come back if you're looking for a MMO to play or have the time to play one.

    Were playing on the Alliance side of Emerald Dream if anyone cares to join us. We have about 8 people playing with us, but I doubt all of them will stick around. A lot of them are new to WoW and already seem bored of it. The ones that have played before including my self are already spending too much time on the game.

    Quick look at the lore as to why the Warlods of Draenor is happening if anyone cares.

    At the end of Mist of Pandaria the last raid boss is Garrosh Hellscream an orc that Alliance and Horde *team up* to defeat. They capture him and go to imprison him, but he escapes. Garrosh creates an alternative timeline and goes Draenor the home planet of the orcs and where his father Grom Hellscream is about to drink the demon blood that caused them to go mad with power. Garrosh stops his father from drinking it and helps his father kill the demon Mannoroth thus stopping the events that occurred in the Outlands. So now the Burning Legion is back and not corrupted. The burning Legion builds a dark portal allowing them to come back to the present time of Azeroth where the Alliance and Horde must stop the burning Legion Again.

    Buring Crusade was the best expansion for me and had the best lore, so it'll be cool to see a different viewpoint on it. Hopefully this expansion will be as good as BC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    It's gonna be great! I took 4 days off work actually, just to play it lol. I'm in it for the grind. Gonna be on Horde side however, gotta level up my dk first just cause it's my main! Gonna be a good time. Only complaint I have is I'll have to juggle that and the new Halo coming out haha.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Wow thats awesome lol wish I can take school off to indulge :P

    Thank you Rachel and Subb for all the help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    So how is everyone liking it so far? I stayed up for the midnight, or rather the 3am release. Tons of lag and crashes as to be expected when 6 million people are all trying to do the same quest. I made it to silvermoon valley last night and it was 6am and decided i'd go to bed and try again when I wake up. Currently waiting in a 460 queue.

    Seems pretty fun so far, haven't unlocked the garrison yet, I've read up on them a lot and really excited fro them. I'm loving the story though, Khadgar is a bad ass mage, doing all kinds of mage stuff.

    How is everyone else liking it so far, and what level have you gotten to.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I loved it! Stayed up for release as well (only 1AM for me, though) and got about 2 hours in to where you build your garrison. There's a quest to click an item and...well...the 200 people on top of it all wanted it done. :/ So that was that haha.

    I'm loving the new dungeons and everything about garrisons/new zones. It's the first time in a long time I haven't wanted to just rush to 100 (although it's a very quick pace already!) I love this new expansion. Can't wait to see what the raids will look like, and the 100v100 PvP in Tarren Mill for the anniversary!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ROFLBRYCE View Post
    I loved it! Stayed up for release as well (only 1AM for me, though) and got about 2 hours in to where you build your garrison. There's a quest to click an item and...well...the 200 people on top of it all wanted it done. :/ So that was that haha.

    I'm loving the new dungeons and everything about garrisons/new zones. It's the first time in a long time I haven't wanted to just rush to 100 (although it's a very quick pace already!) I love this new expansion. Can't wait to see what the raids will look like, and the 100v100 PvP in Tarren Mill for the anniversary!

    I know exactly the part you're talking about, I actually took a picture of it on my phone to send to my friends in group chat.

    of course someone dropped a train too.

    And 100v100 pvp in a Tarren Mill? this just a realm thing? I heard in my realm that a huge world pvp is going down in STV during anniversary.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    It's gonna be a queuable thing I believe, it was for the anniversary. Tarren Mill VS Southshore, it was a huge thing in Vanilla they're bringing back for a PvP event as well as 40-man Rag raid. Gonna be great!

    I just dinged 96 this morning. I love everything about this game. I think tonight I'm gonna play and grind it out to 100 so I can start on heroics next week!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Everyone's thoughts so far almost two weeks in?

    I hit 100 the other day woo! I find myself at a loss of what to do though! lol. I haven't had time to do any dungeons so days off I think I'm gonna run 'em and get started on the legendary quest chain. Might start wrapping up zones I haven't finished yet also (gotta get dem followers)

    How's everyone else enjoying it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Oh my effing god guys. I re-subbed. Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? Expansions always drag me back in :P

    So far I'm enjoying it. The follower and garrison thing is pretty nifty! And can I just say that the cut scenes in and out of questing are awesomely flawless and well as the phasing. The WoD quest-line so far has been really fun ^_^

    I can already tell this is going to go the way of Pandaria for me, though. I finally gave in and bought Pandaria and enjoyed it for less than 3 months before getting bored and quitting. I played Fri-Sunday this weekend, and while I am enjoying the couple of new things they introduced, I just don't think it's going to be enough to keep me sub'd. It'll keep me entertained long enough to get my money's worth, and that's all I care about

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I've been playing it non stop lol. Really cutting into my class time, it's not good.

    Anyway, I hit 100 about 2 weeks ago or so and I'm already raid ready I have 630 Item level on my healer, my guild is scheduled to run High Maul on December 3rd. I still have 3 pieces of 620 I could replace, just need them to drop from heroics. I'm Pretty excited though, haven't been apart of a raiding guild since Lich King. The Heroics were pretty difficult, especially if your group is barely geared, their are a lot of mechanics to the fights. Can't wait to see how difficult the raids are going to be.

    I'm not too thrilled on what they did with professions, They made it so it takes almost a whole week at the earliest to craft one piece of gear or enchant. They were trying to slow down the progression of gear, but it basically came to a halt. You can speed up the process a little my having a Barn and Salvage Yard in your Garrison which I took full advantage of. You can also obtain crafting reagents from trading in your Primal Spirits that you obtain from your Garden and Mine. I hear once your followers are geared up and level 100, you can take them on missions to go into raids and they'll bring back gear for you. For that purpose I got a Barracks and I'll soon have a Inn after I'm through with my Lumber mill. The Garrison's really added a lot of strategy to the game with the different buildings you can use.

    WoW's 10th Anniversary was pretty neat, Molten Core was an experience that I'm glad I didn't have to suffer through back in vanilla WoW. It took 3 hours to complete with lots of wiping on trash mobs. Mostly due to pugs and people who don't know how to raid. I heard it was dumbed down a lot from the original raid as well. Tauren Mill and South Shore PvP was fun at first, but then the factions found out you automatically win if you you just camp in your own town, because the guards crap on everyone. I was hoping for a mass killing 100 vs 100 in an open field.

    So far, it's my favorite expansion, the fact that flying is gone makes World PvP so much more fun because people can't just fly away when you start attacking them. The dungeons feel a lot more difficult, at least like they back in BC and Lich King. I haven't run out of things to do yet, I'll log on and feel like I have so much I need to get done and not enough time. Especially since it takes almost 30 minutes just to complete my Garrison when I login. I haven't even stepped into the level 100 zone yet, or have I completed the Nagrand quest line. So much to do, so little time!
    Last edited by Trunks; 11-25-2014 at 02:39 PM.

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