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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    Oh my effing god guys. I re-subbed. Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? Expansions always drag me back in :P

    So far I'm enjoying it. The follower and garrison thing is pretty nifty! And can I just say that the cut scenes in and out of questing are awesomely flawless and well as the phasing. The WoD quest-line so far has been really fun ^_^

    I can already tell this is going to go the way of Pandaria for me, though. I finally gave in and bought Pandaria and enjoyed it for less than 3 months before getting bored and quitting. I played Fri-Sunday this weekend, and while I am enjoying the couple of new things they introduced, I just don't think it's going to be enough to keep me sub'd. It'll keep me entertained long enough to get my money's worth, and that's all I care about
    Yeah I've seen you on! I think the animations/cutscenes are my favorite part of levelling through the expac. They just make you feel like you're a bigger part of it to me! Definitely will get my moneys worth.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    I've been playing it non stop lol. Really cutting into my class time, it's not good.

    Anyway, I hit 100 about 2 weeks ago or so and I'm already raid ready I have 630 Item level on my healer, my guild is scheduled to run High Maul on December 3rd. I still have 3 pieces of 620 I could replace, just need them to drop from heroics. I'm Pretty excited though, haven't been apart of a raiding guild since Lich King. The Heroics were pretty difficult, especially if your group is barely geared, their are a lot of mechanics to the fights. Can't wait to see how difficult the raids are going to be.

    I'm not too thrilled on what they did with professions, They made it so it takes almost a whole week at the earliest to craft one piece of gear or enchant. They were trying to slow down the progression of gear, but it basically came to a halt. You can speed up the process a little my having a Barn and Salvage Yard in your Garrison which I took full advantage of. You can also obtain crafting reagents from trading in your Primal Spirits that you obtain from your Garden and Mine. I hear once your followers are geared up and level 100, you can take them on missions to go into raids and they'll bring back gear for you. For that purpose I got a Barracks and I'll soon have a Inn after I'm through with my Lumber mill. The Garrison's really added a lot of strategy to the game with the different buildings you can use.

    WoW's 10th Anniversary was pretty neat, Molten Core was an experience that I'm glad I didn't have to suffer through back in vanilla WoW. It took 3 hours to complete with lots of wiping on trash mobs. Mostly due to pugs and people who don't know how to raid. I heard it was dumbed down a lot from the original raid as well. Tauren Mill and South Shore PvP was fun at first, but then the factions found out you automatically win if you you just camp in your own town, because the guards crap on everyone. I was hoping for a mass killing 100 vs 100 in an open field.

    So far, it's my favorite expansion, the fact that flying is gone makes World PvP so much more fun because people can't just fly away when you start attacking them. The dungeons feel a lot more difficult, at least like they back in BC and Lich King. I haven't run out of things to do yet, I'll log on and feel like I have so much I need to get done and not enough time. Especially since it takes almost 30 minutes just to complete my Garrison when I login. I haven't even stepped into the level 100 zone yet, or have I completed the Nagrand quest line. So much to do, so little time!
    I'm jealous of your ilvl haha! I haven't had time to dungeon or anything lately so just going off 610/615 ilvl rewards from garrison quests :/ lucked out and my 620ilvl weaopon upgraded to a 640 epic which was nice! Replaced my heroic Garrosh BoA.

    The profession items take friggin forever. It takes me about 6 days to get my 100 gearspring in engineering. I made a gun though and sold it for 25k so that part was awesome! iLvl 630 weapon useable at level 91? That's kind of awesome! Think I'll level up my hunter next now lol. I'm back up around ~35 and can't wait to get my 640 goggles (655 with another upgrade perk! That takes about 2 weeks to make though)

    Now that I have two days off though, I'm gonna do everything I have to tomorrow morning and whatever time after that dungeon spamming !

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    I'm ilevel 610 now. Just want to do Heroicsssss. I did not miss the dungeon queue though man, forgot how much it sucked

    Elemental Shaman seems pretty meh DPS-wise right now :/ I may level up my lock or something. Also need to work on checking out some of the new PvP!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Do you have any crafting professions Mizel? You can craft 640 pieces! I lucked out with my garrison quest (the one where you do proving grounds) and it upgraded my blue axe to a 640 one! Then I crafted the engi goggles to drag me up to 615. I've done like 4 heroics though with only one piece of gear

    I really don't miss the queues either. I think this is the expansion I either drop my dk for my BM monk, or I learn to tank haha.

    Apparently locks are a blasty blast right now. Rain of Fire got a big nerf (60% less damage, plus doesn't generate an ember) but the class is still in a great spot.

  4. #14
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    Jun 2011


    Unfortunately, my character was only level 30-something when I boosted it to level 90. So my professions didn't get boosted anyway. Your char had to be like lvl 60 or something when you boosted it to 90 to get the professions maxed. Fkn dumb imo -__- I may just grab a couple things off of the AH. I had 0 gold when I re-subbed... and I guess getting gold was just something else Blizzard made hella easy because I already have 10k gold now JUST from questing from 90-100. I mean, ffs it used to take like months just to get to like 1,000 gold lol So yea, since gold is so friggin easy to get now, may as just grab some junk off of the AH :P

  5. #15
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    Nov 2010


    That sucks D: yeah gold is ez mode now. Server economies are all wonky now though. Now you can get LW mats, Mine, and Herbs from your garrison regardless of profession. So gathering professions are kind of butt. On top of that, prices didn't really changed. It used to be 10-30k to buy a crafted piece, and it's still the same. Even though they just hand out money now, compared to MoP lol. I was able to sell a gun for 25k and now just waiting to buy either a necklace, or something plate crafted with the money. Why do I have to have a job to take me away from this wonderful game :V

  6. #16
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    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    Unfortunately, my character was only level 30-something when I boosted it to level 90. So my professions didn't get boosted anyway. Your char had to be like lvl 60 or something when you boosted it to 90 to get the professions maxed. Fkn dumb imo -__- I may just grab a couple things off of the AH. I had 0 gold when I re-subbed... and I guess getting gold was just something else Blizzard made hella easy because I already have 10k gold now JUST from questing from 90-100. I mean, ffs it used to take like months just to get to like 1,000 gold lol So yea, since gold is so friggin easy to get now, may as just grab some junk off of the AH :P
    I like how you complain that they didn't give you max professions, then right after complain that the game is to easy and gives you too much.

    Leveling your garrison takes a lot of cash. From a level 2 garrison to level 3 it's 5k gold. Then the architect plans are all 500g or 1000g depending on what level you buy. Gold repairs also cost 100g now after wiping a few times in a dungeon or raid. It's not that they're giving out more money, it's that things cost a lot more so they have too.

    Also, I'm pretty sure you can make a level 600 item in a profession with your skill only being level 1.

  7. #17
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    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    I like how you complain that they didn't give you max professions, then right after complain that the game is to easy and gives you too much.

    Leveling your garrison takes a lot of cash. From a level 2 garrison to level 3 it's 5k gold. Then the architect plans are all 500g or 1000g depending on what level you buy. Gold repairs also cost 100g now after wiping a few times in a dungeon or raid. It's not that they're giving out more money, it's that things cost a lot more so they have too.

    Also, I'm pretty sure you can make a level 600 item in a profession with your skill only being level 1.
    I wasn't complaining that I didn't get my profs boosted because it would have made things easier for me. I was saying that in general, I thought it was dumb they didn't give *everyone* that used the character boost the max professions. Just seems like it should have been all characters. I couldn't care less because the char I level boosted has gathering profs anyway (skinning and herbing), so it doesn't affect me one bit either way :P

    And it's not it's just a tad easier to get gold because they happened to add in one aspect to the game that you'll need extra gold for. It's *holy shiz noticeably* easier now. I used to have to actually make an effort to have enough gold to do things (like level up flying/riding, mats, bags, enchants, glyphs). And now in just in a few days time, with literally no effort and doing nothing but questing, I made over 10k gold lol Again, more noticing a change than complaining. That's a lot less time I have to spend now working on making gold and more time I can spend raiding and whatnot.

  8. #18
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    Nov 2010


    The big thing with gold is that there are no more Justice and Valor points. Now, that stuff is gained through both Apexis Gear, or gold. Heirlooms will be the same way soon. They're making it so everything requires gold. Yeah 10k can be racked up in 3-4 days of playing now, similar to what 3-4k could be a few months ago. Just look at goldsinks, though. The Alliance chopper costs 100k gold. The "big" gold sinks used to be like 40-50k. The economy is gonna take a few weeks to balance out, but it just seems like we have more now is what I think it is. I mean hey, gas used to be 10c/L and now I'm paying $1.45! Inflation is just a fickle *****.

    Plus, it makes it easier to level through to 100. I'm debating right now gearing for raids or if I should just level alts given how much faster it will go now.

  9. #19
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    Jun 2008


    Well did Highmaul with my guild tonight we downed first 4 bosses, the last one we did Brackenspore, was a toughy. We wiped 4 times on him until we finally got it down. Felt like raiding in Lich King again, difficulty is up there. Takes a lot of coordination and a lot of mechanic's, so if you enjoy raiding this would be a good expansion to raid in. Going back tomorrow night to hopefully down the rest.

    Took this because I did 30k Heals per second on Brackenspore, I don't know how or why I was doing so much more than the rest, I didn't have an special buff. I guess Disc Priest is really strong, I had 6 billion in absorbs just from my Power Word Shield in that fight.
    Last edited by Trunks; 12-04-2014 at 01:41 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Ahhh I'm so jealous lol. I wanted so bad to be into raiding this xpac but time is not on my side this time.

    Sounds like it's fun, grats on the bosses downed so far!

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