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    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hyrule, MI

    Thumbs Down N.K. Game Review...Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence

    After beating this game about 3 times, I'm finally ready to get this review up and going. Following in the footsteps of my Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 reviews, I am pleased to announce my review of:

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence

    This game is a prequel to the previous Metal Gear Solid games. It takes place during the Cold War, and get to play as Snake in this one. Instead of dropping you in an urban environment like the previous games, you will be running around in the jungles and forests of Russia, not a nuclear test facility in the middle of freakin' nowhere. Snake is sent on a Virtuous Mission on the other opposite side of the Iron Curtain to save a weapons scientist by the name of Sokolov. He has been captured by Volgin, the leader of a radical anti-government group called GRU, to create a massive nuclear equipped tank called the Shagohod. Before successfully retrieving Sokolov, your old master The Boss defects to the Soviet Union and betrays you, getting back Sokolov and almost killing you in the process. A week later, you are sent back there under or of the President, due to the threat of a nuclear war by Khrushchev. Your orders on "Operation Snake Eater" are to destroy the Shagohod, kill Volgin, and The Boss to prove your innocence against a suspected nuclear threat. You are Snake, and the responsibility of protecting the world from an all out nuclear war rests on your shoulders...

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    This is my absolute favorite story plot in the entire Metal Gear series. Why you ask? Because it offers a delightful cast of characters, plenty of action scenes, and the fact that you can actually understand almost everything the people are talking about in this game. I enjoyed the other games' story plots, but found them to be very confusing at times, due to the fact they talk about some things that not many people understand. Anyway, the game is very enjoyable with several plot twists and interesting characters abound.

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    This game offers some of the best graphics for the PS2, and really works hard to make everything to look the best. The characters look so life-like at times, it's scary. The backgrounds are made well, and everything looks great. There are a few hiccups though, such as the character's mouths moving a tad slower than the words that come out of it. Besides that, the game has amazing graphics and are worth a definite mention. Still lots of gore in there to for you blood fanatics out there. Here's some screen shots:

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    They hit the nail square on the head this time. The gameplay is so amazing it will make your brain twitch! By adding some satisfyingly devious killing moves, such as slitting peoples throats with your combat knife and the various throws you can do, along with the same moves from the last ones, you will NEVER get tired of it. They have added several new features this time, such as the CURE and FOOD menus that allow you to treat bullet wounds and poison, and feed your character various foods when your stamina meter depletes, which is also a new feature in this game. Along with many bonus extras with MGS3: Subsistence's 2nd disc, such as Metal Gear Online and the hilarious blooper clips and other things, this will keep you interested for the longest time ever. You will not want to stop playing.

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    This is a must have game for the PS2, especially for those who are experiencing this great series for the first time, and fans alike. Great story, great graphics, great gameplay, great GAME. I only wish I would have played this game sooner. You will want to play this game again, and again, and again. Don't let anyone get in your way of buying this game. If they do, destroy them. Then again, you might create a time paradox...

    Thanks to Samus-Fan for the sweet signature picture!

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