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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    In bed with your mom...

    Exclamation My First Heroscape Tournament!

    None of the images are mine. I found them all on Google.
    For those of you who don't know, Heroscape is a figure-based, table top, board game (of sorts).

    Basically, there are a few dozen (( literally ) closer to like 50+ ) characters / squads to pick from.
    * Each character (unique) or group (squad) is assigned a point value. The better the character, the higher the point value.
    * Each team (we played a 2 on 2), is allotted [ X ] amount of points. A 1 on 1 is usually around 500 points per side. Our 2 on 2 was 600 for both teams.

    So, the map is set up by little hexagon squares and each map is pre-built for the tourney, so everyone knows what to expect and play on.

    And basic rules apply, however each character has different move, attack, abilities, defense, size-requirements, and range (shooting or adjacent).

    Rules like:

    Line of Sight apply.
    If you can't see your enemy, you cant hit them.

    Height Restraint.
    If you're 5 hexes up and the unit "adjacent" to you, is on 1 hex, and it's a Small 3 unit, -- you're not adjacent, because the unit isn't tall enough to hit. (Unless you can shoot, lol.)

    High Ground.
    If you're on Hex 2 and someone's on Hex 1 -- you have height. Which means +1 Attack / +1 Defense.

    These are little face-down tokens on the board. When you reach them, and remain ON them, they give you whatever enchantment is on the bottom. +1 Attack, +8 Initiative, +2 Move, +1 Defense -- is random.


    My cousin's boyfriend, Karl, asks me about three weeks ago to join up in this tournament with him. So I'm like, Eh! What the hell! how bad / good could it be! lol. So, over the past three weeks, we've met up about 3 times to play out the game and see which units and teams we like.


    We're in the tournament, all day; Noon to about 7pm. Hour long matches. 32 players. 16 teams.

    First Match: I'm not rolling very well, and I'm a bit nervous because I don't wanna let Karl down. We play against a father-son combo and eventually, crush them by about 90 points.

    Each team is 600 points. So, if you have 2 squads of 40 (80), one of 50 (130), and a 110 (240) - you can throw in a 60, for 300 a piece.

    Well, if an entire squad is killed, or a unique (like a dragon or hero), then those points are lost and subtracted.

    The team with the most points left over at the end, wins the round.
    Second Match: We played against this douche bag from Eastern Illinois. (Drove to Kansas City, lol.) He played with a really vicious squad, ONLY IF YOU CAN ROLL GOOD on a 20D.

    He didn't.

    They're called dividers. They can split up and LIVE.
    Say I kill him. He rolls a 20D. 17 or higher, the character actually LIVES, -AND- Cell Divides to bring in a previously killed character. Thus, possibly bringing squads back.

    So, we slaughter them. He has 10 of these Dividers - he had 10 whiffs (horrible misses). Didn't divide ONCE in the game. Lol. His teammate was a nice kid, but his dice were as Cold As Ice and he didn't do good.
    Crushed them too.

    Match Three: These guys were fun. Our first REAL competition, and they actually beat us. I fouled up really hard and did a stupid move, and it ended up costing us the win, -I think-. Karl says otherwise, but I botched it badly.

    Anyways, it was an excellently played and worked match.

    Match Four & Game: This was a little unnerving in the beginning, cause I thought they would have rolled us hard with their picks, but it just goes to show -- bigger units, doesn't mean better units.

    If your dice are cold, you lose. End of the Story.

    So, it's a brother-sister combo. Both have large, VERY powerful units, but they're outnumbered about 3 to 1.

    Long story short. Dragon on Dragon action is hot, but when it's Ice Vs Acid, Acid wins. Lol.
    So her dragon dies, we -HAVE- to keep ours alive to win. He's worth 210 ALONE. O____O;;;
    Kid-brother, whiffs like 3 sets of attacks and our Acid Dragon is safe.

    I pull 2 lucky pot-shots on 2 BIG-ASS robots and kill both, since they only had one life left, each.

    Then-- Hysterical Part... I feel so bad about this.

    Karl says - we have 10 minutes left. We need to kill the LAST squad on the board, on their team to get enough points to win.

    So, I says Okay!

    I can only move 3 guys.
    I only have to kill 3 guys.
    All three moved guys, have a 1 time chance.
    He has 4 defense dice.
    I have 3 attack dice.

    (Each Dice has 6 sides: 3 skulls, 2 shields, 1 blank)
    The units I'm using have a Special Attack.
    I roll my D20. I get an 18.
    I add +1 attack to my dice. Lolol.

    I roll - first roll: 4 SKULLS.
    He dies.

    I roll - second roll: 2 Skulls.
    He rolls 1 Shield. He dies.

    I roll - third roll: 4 SKULLS!
    Unheard of. He dies. We win.



    So you're asking yourself now -- You said there was a hysterical part and you felt bad about something.

    We tallied up the points afterward...

    I didn't have to kill the last 3 guys.
    We'd already won.

    Lmfao. We just brutalized them, demoralized them, and sent them on a 3 hour trip back home to Omaha, NE.

    X___D!! lolol.


    We went 3 and 1.
    We ended in 3rd out of 16.
    I GET A TROPHY! Lol. And I won a booster pack of Hero Figures. <3 <3

    The end!

    Last edited by Exodyus; 07-11-2009 at 10:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Now.... if anyone of this made sense to me.

    Sounds like a game where you have to read instructions and rules in the middle of the game to make sure you're playing right.

    May be fun if everyone knew what they were doing though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Norfair. Yes it is rather hot here.


    I have some Heroscape stuff, I never got into it though.
    I understood the game, but I never went into learning who's good, who isn't, what works against what, ect.

    Nice job on 3rd, any tournament I've gone to for anything is hard. Lol.

    And Heroscape isn't a game where you can read instructions and win. Read them if you need to in the middle, you've most likely already lost.
    It's like Dungeons and Dragons, it's all strategy, you have to know the game to win it.
    Samus-Fan :: Graphic Store ¦ Samus Graphics :: Graphics and Blog

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Looks really nerdy... no offence

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by LordLameeks View Post
    Looks really nerdy... no offence
    Pretty much, I doubt I could ever get into this game.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    In bed with your mom...


    Quote Originally Posted by Samus-Fan View Post
    I have some Heroscape stuff, I never got into it though.
    I understood the game, but I never went into learning who's good, who isn't, what works against what, ect.

    Nice job on 3rd, any tournament I've gone to for anything is hard. Lol.

    And Heroscape isn't a game where you can read instructions and win. Read them if you need to in the middle, you've most likely already lost.
    It's like Dungeons and Dragons, it's all strategy, you have to know the game to win it.
    Thanks! And yeah, it's not hard - there's just a lot to learn and know.
    And there aren't a bajillion rules, just a lot of stuff to remember and keep in account as you go.

    Most of it's common sense stuff, after you've understood the basics.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordLameeks View Post
    Looks really nerdy... no offence
    Quote Originally Posted by jakncoke View Post
    Pretty much, I doubt I could ever get into this game.
    It is a little nerdy, even for me. But I enjoy it, and I get to hang with a friend while I do so, so it's all gravy.

    It's fun with friends.
    Build a map.
    Get your units.
    Kill each other.
    Laugh. <3

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Too nerdy.

    Not really into board games. who is?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    In bed with your mom...


    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post
    Too nerdy.

    Not really into board games. who is?
    Not being into board games is relative, when you don't have enough friends to play one with you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Exodyus View Post
    Not being into board games is relative, when you don't have enough friends to play one with you.
    Must be hard for you to try and find friends too. being 30 years old and wanting to play board games with dragons.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    In bed with your mom...


    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob View Post
    Must be hard for you to try and find friends too. being 30 years old and wanting to play board games with dragons.
    Good ... one?

    So, you playing video games and watching movies with dragons is so completely different than a board game? You're dumber than I thought, if that's the case.

    And close, but no cigar on the age.

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