Signature C&C Thread

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  • 08-13-2011, 12:27 AM
    Signature C&C Thread
    Hello everyone. If you are experienced at Gfx, then go ahead and post. You know what to do.

    If you are new to Gfx, I would like to introduce you to a thing called C&Cing.

    C&C stands for Comments and Criticism. Or Critique and whatnot.

    It's advice. Advice on how to improve.

    All you have to do is post one of your sigs that you just made / have made before, and ask for advice on how to make it better.

    If you want us to critique hard we will. But you have to ask for the hard critiquing. This hard critiquing should not consist of:



    Or anything of that nature.

    If you comment saying "Text sucks" or anything of that nature, please provide a reason why it sucks, and perhaps how to improve upon it.

    If you have any questions, please ask.

    Use this thread to your advantage. Do not be afraid. Your harshest critics are your best friends. They want to see you improve.

    Now get to postin.
  • 08-15-2011, 12:28 AM
    You know, there is a word for what you just used 13 lines to describe. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. :)

    But good idea!
  • 08-15-2011, 12:30 AM

    CONSTRUCTIVE criticism
    You would be surprised how many people don't know what that is, or how to do it. But thank you for adding to the point.
  • 08-15-2011, 01:03 AM
    Here I would like some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please. I dont mind if you guys be hard I think it will just make me better so say what you want.
    my latest sotw
  • 08-15-2011, 01:50 AM

    Originally Posted by egw333 View Post
    Here I would like some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please. I dont mind if you guys be hard I think it will just make me better so say what you want.
    my latest sotw

    I will give you constructive feedback...... I saw this picture in the Sig Of The Week competition, and when I looked at your layers, you only had a Text Layer, a Background Layer and a Render Layer. You need to do a lot more with your Sigs and put more effort into it.....Its basically just pasting a render on a background and calling it your Sig (no offence), so just keep practising and make it into your own epic sig, sorry if this seems mean, because that's not my intentions... Anyway, just keep practising, after all, practise makes perfect ;)
  • 08-15-2011, 01:58 AM
    Definitely work on making your render stand out more, because Goomba's affected by the shadow he gets faded and just becomes a part of the background.
    You wanna draw focus to certain parts of your sig, whether its with brighter colours, lighting, or affects.
    Remember to get creative too! Your render doesn't need to be in the center of your signature, and text can go anywhereee! <:

    Hope this helps.
  • 08-15-2011, 03:09 PM

    Definitely work on making your render stand out more, because Goomba's affected by the shadow he gets faded and just becomes a part of the background.
    You wanna draw focus to certain parts of your sig, whether its with brighter colours, lighting, or affects.
    Remember to get creative too! Your render doesn't need to be in the center of your signature, and text can go anywhereee! <:

    Hope this helps.
    Thanks for the feed back the thing i struggle with the most is the text I seem to never have it in the right spot also i had to use a bit of photo shop and did the kind of shade after i finished the Sig but i should of took the shade just for the background.


    I will give you constructive feedback...... I saw this picture in the Sig Of The Week competition, and when I looked at your layers, you only had a Text Layer, a Background Layer and a Render Layer. You need to do a lot more with your Sigs and put more effort into it.....Its basically just pasting a render on a background and calling it your Sig (no offence), so just keep practising and make it into your own epic sig, sorry if this seems mean, because that's not my intentions... Anyway, just keep practising, after all, practise makes perfect
    I didn't find this mean at all and i see where your cumming from but im not sure what to add to make it more "mine" without over doing it.
  • 08-15-2011, 04:29 PM
    Hmmm.....I guess just 2 major things.
    One, you used the Goomba as your focal, and the shading almost makes it look like you're hiding it. Usually (Depending on the mood of the tag) you want to make the focal stand out, draw attention to it, make it some eye candy. And then this would lead to two....
    Two, The font isn't bad, but the text could use a little elbow grease. You have it in the corner (Not a bad thing) but it stands out, it kinda draws attention away from your focal, where as you want it to pull your eyes towards the focal, or have it match the flow of the signature. Personally, I suck at text. I find it very hard to make text for a signature, which is why I usually try to hide my text, it doesn't take anything away from a signature if it isn't there (usually)
    And don't worry about making a signature yours, everyone starts at a point, and as they create more and more signature, a style develops, and that style is what makes it yours, not what you put into the signature.
    Heck, that's why we can't do anonymous signature of the weeks. Every member here has a distinct style. Look at the nintendo one and you'll know what I mean.

    I always like some C&C. Goes as hard as you can, it only helps.
  • 08-15-2011, 04:46 PM
    Samus I love your sig but the lines are sort of distracting the focal. Lines are a great way to create flow and to drag your eye to the focal, but it's not working in this one. A few are placed well, but some distract me. Other than that, it looks like a good sig.
  • 08-15-2011, 11:42 PM
    I'd like some C&C on this please, inspired by PsychoTray's current Mortal Kombat Signature. :)

    C&C as hard as possible.
  • 08-16-2011, 12:43 AM

    Originally Posted by Samus-Fan View Post
    Hmmm.....I guess just 2 major things.
    One, you used the Goomba as your focal, and the shading almost makes it look like you're hiding it. Usually (Depending on the mood of the tag) you want to make the focal stand out, draw attention to it, make it some eye candy. And then this would lead to two....
    Two, The font isn't bad, but the text could use a little elbow grease. You have it in the corner (Not a bad thing) but it stands out, it kinda draws attention away from your focal, where as you want it to pull your eyes towards the focal, or have it match the flow of the signature. Personally, I suck at text. I find it very hard to make text for a signature, which is why I usually try to hide my text, it doesn't take anything away from a signature if it isn't there (usually)
    And don't worry about making a signature yours, everyone starts at a point, and as they create more and more signature, a style develops, and that style is what makes it yours, not what you put into the signature.
    Heck, that's why we can't do anonymous signature of the weeks. Every member here has a distinct style. Look at the nintendo one and you'll know what I mean.

    I always like some C&C. Goes as hard as you can, it only helps.

    I dont know if its just me but i think because its a smaller sig the lines and bubbles almost over whelm the sig other than that its really good.

    With your feed back i tried to create a new one i worked harder with this one as i used a mix of photo shop and i used photo shop just for making the dragon shaded and for un focusing the dragon. and the rest of the stuff. I like the ones were it looks like its popping out of the sigs so i tried it. I hope that this one is better. :) if you have more feed back I would love to hear it once more be hard.
  • 08-16-2011, 02:28 AM

    Originally Posted by egw333 View Post
    I dont know if its just me but i think because its a smaller sig the lines and bubbles almost over whelm the sig other than that its really good.

    With your feed back i tried to create a new one i worked harder with this one as i used a mix of photo shop and i used photo shop just for making the dragon shaded and for un focusing the dragon. and the rest of the stuff. I like the ones were it looks like its popping out of the sigs so i tried it. I hope that this one is better. :) if you have more feed back I would love to hear it once more be hard.

    Woah man, that's really awesome, that's what im talkin about, see what I mean, just put your time into it and it turns out great, which it is!, nice work man, btw, I beat you to Scorpion, lol :D
  • 08-16-2011, 02:35 AM
    Lol Photoshop was being a pain and wasint being kind ether :p i was working on this right when i saw him post the thing on he re before it was his Sig lol who cares. He gave me a great idea.
  • 08-16-2011, 01:17 PM
    Bitterking, interesting signature! The frosting effect goes really well with the focal (Duh lol) and it's not too flashy, pretty simple, and it really worked out in this case. The text kinda distracts from the focal though, and the font doesn't fit too well. I cool idea would be to add some icicles to the bottom of the text, or have it etched into the ice/frost in the front. I also like your subtle border. It's there, but it doesn't stand out. Very nice.

    Egw, big improvement!
    The blurring of the logo creates some nice depth in it, and it causes your focal to stand out. The text is better, that's for sure, but I still kind of think it could use either some blending or something.
    I still try to use this tutorial as a reference every now and then. I'd check it out and read it, it might give you some ideas for text. I like it because it goes over small, hidden text and then larger, flashy text. Both can be made to work, and this kinda helps explain it.
    Other than the text, the only other thing I could say is maybe pick a different render. It might just be my crappy monitor, but it kinda looks stretched horizontally. It's not a bad signature, it's a huge improvement from the last one!

    Also, this can be applied for anything and anyone. I know I've hit spots where I have no idea what to do, or I look at my signature and think that it could use something. Never be afraid to look up "Signature Tutorials" in google, you'll find tons and tons of tutorials! And you don't have to follow them 100%, sometimes you just use some effects they show you how to do. They taught me what C4Ds and wireframes are, and where you use them. Granted, I still am not close to perfect, but it showed me another element to add to my signature. It wouldn't hurt to look them up and see some effects and techniques.
  • 08-16-2011, 11:47 PM
    How about my sig that i currently had could i get some oppiuions on that also you didn't give me the tut link ;p i want this to be your hardiest one i already got some of psychos help and he said it was good except for some changes that i made how about you guys what do you think.
  • 08-17-2011, 12:23 AM
  • 08-19-2011, 01:05 AM
  • 08-19-2011, 02:13 AM

    Originally Posted by Slaylolop View Post

    Just me, but keep the border more consistent. It's a little thicker on the right side, like it kinda breaks up more and further out, and to me it doesn't look as good.

    Great work though, I like the random cat lol. Know I'm not on the gfx team or anything so I shouldn't be saying too much since I couldn't do half that good but just thought I'd letcha know how I feel. You've really come along in the last month in a half or so you've been here.

    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Slaylolop again." damn, you'll have to wait for the green bro D:
  • 08-19-2011, 09:21 AM

    Originally Posted by ROFLBRYCE View Post
    Just me, but keep the border more consistent. It's a little thicker on the right side, like it kinda breaks up more and further out, and to me it doesn't look as good.

    Great work though, I like the random cat lol. Know I'm not on the gfx team or anything so I shouldn't be saying too much since I couldn't do half that good but just thought I'd letcha know how I feel. You've really come along in the last month in a half or so you've been here.

    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Slaylolop again." damn, you'll have to wait for the green bro D:

    I actually agree with that, it's something I forgot to come back for, if you look at my proof for my sig, it was going to be my first background piece, and the gorrilaz guy would be covering the whole left side, which he still was supposed to be, but I got excited after I finished the border. :3
  • 08-19-2011, 01:04 PM

    Originally Posted by Slay View Post
    I actually agree with that, it's something I forgot to come back for, if you look at my proof for my sig, it was going to be my first background piece, and the gorrilaz guy would be covering the whole left side, which he still was supposed to be, but I got excited after I finished the border. :3

    Nahh dude Gorillaz guy is perfect how he is. Looks better with the border still there, kinda filling in around his head. I like it man!
  • 08-19-2011, 08:06 PM
    As always be harsh, here's my latest one! Roxas, from Kingdom hearts, my favorite game besides fallout.
  • 08-19-2011, 11:21 PM
    I'm not a huge fan of the placement or color of the text. It's hard to read and easy to miss. I love the render you used. Did you make it yourself?

    I have to admit, there are quite a few of yours I like a lot more than your new one Slay, but you're definitely one of my faves. =)

    I have two for you guys. One being the newest, one being an older one, but you guys were on a MK streak, so I figured I'd throw it in the hat.

    *be gentle but not too gentle. lol*

    EDIT:: Make that 3. (I'm bored tonight)
  • 08-19-2011, 11:26 PM
    I really like the Scorpion one, as he is also my favourite character from Mortal Kombat, everything about the Signature is good, I'd say the only flaw is the pixelation around his rope/spear.
  • 08-19-2011, 11:27 PM

    Originally Posted by Psychotray View Post
    I really like the Scorpion one, as he is also my favourite character from Mortal Kombat, everything about the Signature is good, I'd say the only flaw is the pixelation around his rope/spear.

    Yeah, I just noticed it too. =P
  • 08-19-2011, 11:29 PM
    However unrelated, I feel like expressing how every time I see this thread I read it as "signature Coheed and Cambria Thread"
  • 08-19-2011, 11:45 PM
  • 08-25-2011, 04:04 AM
  • 09-02-2011, 06:19 PM
    id like some c&c be harsh. its one of my gfx battle ones
  • 09-02-2011, 08:54 PM

    Originally Posted by egw333 View Post
    id like some c&c be harsh. its one of my gfx battle ones

    I think it's great!
    I really don't like the render though, you did good on the text placement this time, and added some effect, good job. :)
    But also, the color of the text blends to easy. Maybe camo to match the theme of the game?
    I am working on mine right now, I may extend the battle...
  • 09-02-2011, 10:41 PM
    new one that i think makes my old one that i just did look like crap what do you think of this one another gfx entry
  • 10-10-2011, 04:05 PM
    Be harsh. As always.
    glad I found this, a good thread.
  • 10-10-2011, 09:35 PM
    I like but i think that its missing something but i don't know what.
  • 10-11-2011, 04:42 PM
    @ psychotray
    RE: Bioshock.jpg
    I think the border takes away from the rest of the signature too much. Its very bright and is the first thing I noticed when I looked at the sig. I think maybe darkening bigdaddy might help him 'creep' into the background more too.

    RE: SasukeUchiha.jpg
    The 'bitterkingskyler' text seems to be a bit harsh/choppy. I think a better font would suit it better. The render on the left is good but I'm wondering if he should be more center/forward. I know the right render is his brother, and it seems like you were trying to make him a 'commanding presence', yeh? So I don't think the brother's hand should overlap sasuke.

    RE: GaaraoftheSand.jpg
    Pretty much all I have to say on this one is that the text 'of' and 'the' are getting washed out a bit, and it'd be a good idea to add some colour behind them to make them pop some more.

    RE: CallofDuty.jpg
    The text kind of blends into the background with their similar colours and the lack of texture. Try using different lighting techniques and a different or brighter colour than the one you're using.
    The background seems very flat and could use some contrast and texture. Going from a very high contrast render to a flat colour background seems lacking. Free Textures from TextureKing this site has some great textures for free that you can play with : D

    RE: Infamous.jpg
    The render seems a little squished, fixing that would help a lot.
    The text should maybe be a different colour than the lightning in the background, or vice versa. The 'o' looks a little lost there, and you can always paint over it a little bit to thicken it up to match the rest of the letters.
    I would say lose the guy in the background altogether, or bring him in front of the lightning and make him more apart of the signature.

    RE: Slay.jpg
    I think some of the elements in the background have choppy edges, and one of the black bolts seems to be missing a spot where it should be coloured in. The long white 'strings' should have all black/gray outline removed.
    The text seems to be lacking as well, maybe some texture needs to be added to it? Can't really put my finger on it haha.


    I usually try and add "I LIKE THIS AND THIS" to each critique but there's so many XD
    I do like em all though, and keep up the fantastic work guys! Hope I helped D:
  • 10-11-2011, 06:05 PM

    Originally Posted by LemonRising View Post
    RE: Slay.jpg
    I think some of the elements in the background have choppy edges, and one of the black bolts seems to be missing a spot where it should be coloured in. The long white 'strings' should have all black/gray outline removed.
    The text seems to be lacking as well, maybe some texture needs to be added to it? Can't really put my finger on it haha.

    I was aiming for that. I rendered it all myself, sorry for the choppiness.
    I was going to make the Background lined paper, I couldn't find a good piece, so I went with brown. :p
  • 10-21-2011, 08:22 PM
    cnc pleaseee, i dont know what to think of my new smudging style, its not yet complete, cant get it the way i want it to look,but its almost there, so CnC
  • 12-28-2011, 09:13 PM
    wow i like it heres my new one

    be harsh but keep in mind i havent done gfx in a few months
  • 12-28-2011, 11:42 PM
    loooks nicee man! I'm not a pro at all but SOMETHING is off about it .. i don't know what ... but something's missing to make it perfect :P but that's just me ahah
  • 12-29-2011, 11:49 AM
    yo thats what i said when i thought i was done i know i just cant find out what :s
  • 01-06-2012, 05:47 PM
    Alright I'll be harsh. If you're looking for a simple signature it's fine.
    There is no WOW factor about it. Nothing pulls me in and nothing really catches my interest. Nothing catches my eye either. It's just sort of there. Theres no flow and theres no real...meh. And the random red splotches...Idk.

    I don't know what you've been using for a program but it's just, every signature you do, it's been the same. You need to toy around with more tools and more techniques. Pasting renders into a canvas and adding text isn't...really doing graphics. I mean you can argue it down to the core but...bleh. You want something that you can say is YOUR specific style...

    If you like just finding a render and pasting it in and putting text, then keep doing it. Art should make you happy. But when showcasing it for other people...if you put that up as a showcase of your abilities, I wouldn't be impressed.

    I'm sorry if any of this offended you at all, I'm just speaking how I feel.

    You have the want to do graphics. You have the desire. Experiment.
  • 01-06-2012, 05:51 PM
    hmm, let see what peeps say..
    here's my latest one.. just pissing about..
  • 01-06-2012, 05:58 PM

    Love the effects. And I love the color scheme. The depth...for me is sort of struggling. You usually hit home with depth but...I'm not feeling it on this one. And the render, not sure if it's low quality to begin with but it looks like it has jpeg artifacts. Maybe the sharpening, maybe not. Not sure. Effects in the background are great...but how the render goes with it...I'm not feeling it.

    Background and Effects: 10/10
    Render Placement: Great.
    Render Quality: Eh

  • 01-12-2012, 11:31 PM
    hey got a new one tryed some new tuf does nyone like it be harsh as hash as you can.
  • 04-13-2012, 01:01 AM
    Just whipped this up in the last 3 hours xD I'm not sure what I'm doing really, I didn't use any tutorials and was just kinda fooling around. I like it though.

    edit: was gonna do more blurring on the right so it's less distinguishable and more of the colours really, but went "no not today!"
  • 04-13-2012, 11:54 AM
    What program do you use?
  • 09-10-2012, 11:23 PM
    A new Sig I worked hard on anyone with any suggestions.
  • 12-14-2012, 07:29 PM
    just testing my sig out hopefuly it posts lol

    ** Woohoo it did **
  • 12-14-2012, 09:21 PM
    Your sig is cool but I suggest a little more blending on the right side of the render.
  • 12-16-2012, 07:22 AM
    I appreciate your feedback :p I made this one a pretty long time ago I was just testing it out here to make sure it was attached and so I didnt break any forum rules :P but maybe I will go back and play with it some more.

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